Jika Jika cocktail party, Saturday 3rd March 2001

1, 2, 3. Roie shows off her toy: Liz being very purty.

4. Cute chick posing on car with BIG BOOTS (Lauren on Nicky's Falcon, to be precise).

5, 6, 7. Annette, Lauren and Lev. (Lev has been told unambiguously how crap his toga looked.) Socialist realist cocktails! Socialist realist togas!

8, 9. Lauren and Annette posing in the window.

10. Annette and Jocasta.

11. Wendy and Claire in screaming passion, Jenne at the front.

12. Wendy in passion on her own.

13. A failed attempt to take a picture of Annette's tattoo. Oh well.

14-17. Lauren? A dance geek? Never!

18-22. Lauren and Annette as harmony in motion.

23-25 Lauren and me.

26. Lauren and Stean.

27. Liz and Jo.

28, 29. Liza and Jenne, Alireza and Liza.

[David's pics page]