Blue Velvet, Friday 4th May 2001

- and to think I'd been thinking in terms of just a quiet drink or two then home ...

David W. with Slaveangel.

Tonight's colour is RED. Louis, Angel, Trayce, Barbara, David W.

Kitsune, Trayce and someone.

Lorrilee doing what aren't clichéd goth poses at all, showing off her garland and her lovely new claws.

Fiona, Tali and Louise on the floor.

Louise in the booth.

Naomi, who was the upstairs barmaid at Blue Velvet last year, popping back for a visit. With Lev and David.

Dennis and Lisa.

Barbarella, in her Barbarella Boots, does the Barbarella Dance!

Stranger and David. I think I was in severe need of sleep by then ...

Katie and David. Gidday little girrul!

Jordan and Katie.

[David's pics page]