Fifth Annual Evening of Gothic Elegance

Fri 20 Oct 2000

See also Baralier's page of pics.

Loki the cat perching above the house.

David and Liz waiting for the taxi.

Janie and Liz.

Lady Nemesis (maker of evil dollies) on vocals.

Hania and Liz.

Liz and Paul.

Tina and David.

Amy and the other David.

Hania, with Dennis and with Andrew.

David, Louise, Alan and Fiona.

Jane and Janie.

Liz and Fran.

Tina and Hilary.

Mistress Charlotte and her kids, Jessica and Rhianne.

Dunadan and Janie, preparing for the evening's combat. "You have worn the same outfit; honour demands that I skewer you."

Tina and Tony.

Joanne (red hair) and Penny (black).

Dunadan and Fiona; Fran, Megan and Tim.

Table 7 in panoramic view.

Andrew, Chris and Paul.

Hania scores herself a wood sprite.

David and Lexy, Jane and Lexy.

Der wampyre prince Dennis and his wampyre bride chyx Joanne and Penny. Chris in front in the first shot.

Ready to present the prizes ...

Best Male: Peter.

Best Couple: Joanne and Penny. (Evidently they failed to notice the wampyre prince when awarding prizes.)

Best Female: Gail.

And a special award to Lady Nemesis.

Hello and Satan to you too, Amy.

Janie and Dunadan in combat dancing. All they needed was swords.

Lexy and Jane, with Janie.

David and Liz; Mil and Jorm.

[David's pics page]