Karina and David's Engagement Party

Richmond Club Hotel, Friday 9th April 1999

Click on an image for the full-sized version.

Some of the images on this page are photos, other are from a digital camera. Many have undergone great torment to be here. We've left even the crappy shots in because it's not like we're going to get second takes of them ;-)

[Andy, Carolyn, Karina and David]

Andy and Carolyn (Karina's dad and mum), Karina and David - one of the few pics of us as a couple from the evening.

[amazed parents with the happy couple]

The happy couple(tm) and both sets of parents: Andy, David, Wayne, Carolyn, Karina, Shirley.

[Karina + David 7/2/1999 Forever]

Now that's what I call a cake.

[Karina and folx]

Karina with her dad and mum.

[Karina and the boys]

Karina and assorted Latvians. Can you spot the goth of the family?

[a bunch]

Hillary, Jason, Megan, boi, Daniel.

[people rockin' out wildly]

You dancin' fools! Hillary, Jason, Elaine, Daniel and Darren.

[more of said rockin' out wildly]

Most of the same dancin' fools: Jason, Elaine, Daniel, Jason the DJ and Darren

[This union blessed by Xenu himself.]

David and Hillary.

[boi, Jason, Caroline]

Boi with Jason asleep on Caroline's shoulder.

[Jason and Tina *almost* tangoing]

Jason and Tina smouldering for the camera.

[Sharon looking cute]

Sharon looking extremely cute in a purple lace-up.


The Tina cleavage shot. Note the silver glitter eyeshadow.

[spiky temptress]

Wendy smouldering in vinyl.


Megan getting down and getting funky.

[cute girl, cute dress][cute couple]

Russell and Caroline. Please note Caroline's gorgeous dress.

[megan and boi]

Megan and boi (whose name I should ask).

[ben and CATHERINE!]

Ben and Catherine. That's Nick cruelly crushing her hand.

[Catherine with sketchpad]

Catherine hard at play, documenting the proceedings.


Nicky with champagne.

[The political animal in action]

Lev making his point strongly to an always-attentive Simon. Sharon is less than convinced.

[Strangers in the night (bwahaha)]

Darren and Elaine Stranger getting romantically funky.

[David's Page] ]