The Pick of Melbin Gofflife - 1998

- my friends are much more beautiful than everyone else

Miss Jane showing off her tattoo.

[RBC and friends]
Tim Serong, Amy, Dunadan, Loom and Skud.

[RBC and friends]
Darren and Elaine Stranger.

Georgia and Ben showing the Power of the Bounce. Corsets really are truly marvellous machines, n'est-ce pas?

[crowd shot]
Jason's birthday at the Dickens: Barbara, Tina, Dunadan, Tony, Sean, Ian, Caroline, thing, Karina, Peter Cooper, Jason, James.

[Sydney visitors]
The entire city of Sydney at Jason's birthday: thing, Caroline, thing, Dunadan

[Dunadan, SlaveAngel, Julian Higginson]
SlaveAngel and her remarkably red velvet dress, with Dunadan and Julian Higginson.

[Hold it JUST so.]
Karina posing with cigarette.

[A bright red Karina with Caroline] [A bright red Karina with David]
The full-intensity Scarlet Fever! with Caroline and with David.

[David's pics page]